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Torrent Au Potion Mu Online Free Nulled Pc .zip


Auto Potion Mu Online Free 100 is a MooMoo+ game that is created to test the player's ability over different skills. This game has five distinct modes that needs to be unlocked as the player progresses throughout the game. As soon as you have completed all of these modes without getting hit, your are rewarded with an item that gives you an advantage in other MOO+ games. You can choose one of these items for free or purchase more complicated items with real money. The main objective of the game is to kill the 'Boss' monster, which is located at the centre of each stage. To do so, you need to find out the weak point of the Boss and attack it with your weapon. There are three types of monsters that you will encounter in this game - Normal Monsters, Red Boss Monsters and Blue Mini Bosses. Normal Monsters are located around each stage and can be killed easily. The Red Boss Monsters are also located around each stage but they are much stronger than normal monsters. To kill them, you need to attack them with your weapon continuously until it gives up or they die (whichever comes first). If you manage to defeat a Red Boss Monster, you will get a reward that is based on the damage that you have received from the Red Boss Monster. The reward varies depending on how powerful it is. There are also Blue Mini Bosses, which are much more difficult to kill than regular monsters. To kill them, you need to take advantage of your red xp bar and continuously attack them until they die or give up. If you manage to defeat a Blue Mini Boss, they will reward off your red xp bar in addition to an additional bonus based on the amount of damage that has been done by the Blue Mini Boss. This game is different from most MOO+ games in that they charge you for each item that you purchase. The prices of the items are as follows: 1. Elixir (Increases Weapon Attack Power by 30 for 60 seconds): $0.99 / RM0.99 / 1,000 Coins 2. Essence(Increases Defense by 150 for 60 Seconds): $0.99/ RM0.99 / 1,000 Coins 3. Shard(Increases Health by 50 & Defense by 200/30 for 120s): $1.49/RM1. 49 / 1,000 Coins 4. Potions (Reduces Damage by 15% for 60s & Increases Health by 10): $0.99/RM0.99 5. Snowman (Increases Weapon Attack Power by 50 for 60s): $2.99/RM2.99 / 1,000 Coins Auto Potion Mu Online Free 100 is a very addictive game that is played across the globe in different countries and it has been known to be played over 6 million times over the years on the MOO+ network. This is due to its simplicity of gameplay, which can be easily learnt within minutes, which makes it suitable for all players of different experience levels. cfa1e77820


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